Old Mistress/Yr Hen Fiestres


Old Mistress reimagines a number of classical paintings as modern embroideries. The project explores how craft and disability work together, as well as interpreting the works of pre 20th Century black artists and women artists as part of a revisionist history approach. The project is funded by the Arts Council of Wales and has received support from Disability Arts Cymru and the associate artist at Oriel Davies. Watch this space and Instagram for updates.


Yr Hen Fiestres sy’n ailddychmygu nifer o baentiadau clasurol ar ffurf gwaith brodio modern. Mae’r prosiect yn edrych ar sut y mae crefft ac anabledd yn cyd-fynd â’i gilydd, yn ogystal â dehongli gweithiau artistiaid benywaidd ac artistiaid duon cyn yr ugeinfed ganrif fel rhan o ddull adolygiadol o edrych ar hanes. Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru sy’n ariannu’r prosiect, ac mae wedi’i gefnogi hefyd gan Celfyddydau Anabledd Cymru a’r artist cyswllt yn Oriel Davies.

Embroidery of Wheat Field with Cypresses by Van Gogh
Embroidery of Simon De Pilar by Carel Wilink